Industrial Dry-off Ovens
Industrial ovens ensure that moisture is thoroughly removed from the part before it is painted, powder-coated, or finished.
Cincinnati Industrial Machinery (CIM) offers a full line of drying ovens for your finishing system needs. Requirements can vary greatly based on application, size of the facility, materials being finished, and several additional factors. All industrial ovens are custom designed and built for your specific process using our extensive engineering and project management experience to achieve the exact specification of the customer.
Drying ovens are the most effective way to remove moisture on products for painting or other finishing applications. Dry-off Ovens ensure that moisture is thoroughly removed from a part before it is painted, powder-coated, or finished. Without proper drying in the oven, the finish will not properly adhere to the part. CIM’s drying ovens are of high quality and low noise. CIM can design and fabricate industrial dry-off ovens for a variety of manufacturing processes.
Our industrial ovens have fast ramping and cool down rates for maximum efficiency as well as short cycle times. Our energy-efficient designs reduce operating costs while working with your production line rate to ensure parts are processed quickly and efficiently. Our quality equipment has maximum up-time performance with reliable results every time.
Contact us to discuss your specific business application to ensure an accurate paint or finish for your products.